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Donatello D'Agostino


Dear Sirs,

Let me introduce myself, I am an Italian citizen, divorced and father.

For many years I have carried out a regulated professional activity providing consulting services in the administrative area to companies, mostly SMEs, on the Italian territory.

In recent years I have embarked on a path of complete change, a turnaround, dealing with online trading on financial and currency markets, deepening, at the same time, the economic aspects related to the evolution of markets and contemporary society.

This is how writing, more than trading, has become my main occupation, in a particular phase of life marked by deep and painful fractures resulting from family and professional changes.

I have discovered, in the last seven years of deep reflection and observation of the evolution of the issues of our time, the importance of giving space to the soul in relating to the world but, above all, in analyzing and living it, often anticipating events.

This is how the soul has expressed itself through my writings and, in particular, through poetry.

Now that I am writing this heartfelt appeal to you, I feel that I can define myself, regardless of being one in the conventional canons of the aptitude to produce income, a writer and, even more, a poet.

Here, I immediately clarify the objective of this letter, which is to seek funding for my popular and narrative project, as an artist and "journalist" of our time, a narrator of life experiences traveling among places in the world.

A literary, artistic, professional, but also a life project.

I also want to explain the motivation, beyond the natural one for which projects need funding, but it is not unusual to find people who carry out literary and/or artistic activities together with a main job that can guarantee a livelihood.

Mine is a particular condition, that of the poet who lives, simply, a dimension in which the soul and its experience take not only consistency, but the upper hand over any and all conditions of existence.

And in a society based on capital in which inadequacy to achieve profit at all costs is a source of defeat, defeat is incompleteness, it is, in essence, loneliness in the multitude.

Basically, I feel, from a cultural point of view, as well as an artistic one, a migrant (mainly) of thought but also of traveling in the intellectual dimension outside the conventional forms and relationships typical of our modern society, characterized by stakeholder groups, both political and from other backgrounds, who in order to give often ask for more than a simple adhesion,  but a real enslavement that the free thought of the poet, and of the writer, cannot guarantee.

Mine is an appeal to support my activity and to projects that have as their object the narration of our contemporaneity, whether they are places of experience, stories of marginalization, of vision of the future, of hope for a better world, in which the human being can feel like a citizen.

An itinerant road trip through places and cultures.

I would add that even in trading I have discovered that I have specific aptitudes for investing, in a phase of systematization of the method that I am unable to complete exclusively due to lack of funds.

And the activity of trading, which combines well with the other activity of nomadic storyteller, around the world, can give subsistence and flows to be allocated, in turn, to the support of those most in need.

I am not looking for possession, not accumulation, but dignified conditions of life and perspective in the freedom to express my intellectual and artistic condition, free to travel independently, at the service of those who most need to make their voices heard.

I am addressing those who have been the best and most capable in the experience of success, even material, of our time and who have the resources that can make an act of support and charity relative to make the dream of a poet out of economic time, a singer of the soul and of feelings, who needs the humus in which to find nourishment and continue to live independently,  sharing their works and thoughts.

I accompany this heartfelt appeal with a poem, fruit of my soul,



L’Arco della carità

mi affanno nella ricerca

delle frecce per il mio arco,

è quello che mi porto dietro

da quando sono nato.

cerco e provo:

la freccia d’oro,

la freccia d’argento,

quella d’acciaio,

ma non va e mi affanno,

corro senza pensare

poi, stanco, mi siedo,

la schiena curva, il capo chino,

e ad un certo punto gli occhi

vedono quello che avevo sempre con me:

la freccia di una carezza,

di un gesto di amicizia,

l’abbraccio ad un fratello,

un semplice gesto di solidarietà.

mi alzo, scaglio le frecce

e vedo il sorriso nei volti:

in quello di un Padre,

che darà serenità alla propria famiglia,

di una Madre,

 che si sentirà protetta e saprà proteggere,

di un Figlio e di una Figlia,

che si sentiranno sereni,

protetti ed amati e che sapranno amare,

ed anche ascoltare.

il mio arco non pesa più,

è un arco speciale,

perché le frecce sono speciali:

è l’arco della carità.


Possa la bontà guidarvi nelle  decisioni e negli atti di vita.

Thank you, even if you have only read these words of mine.



If you want to support me in this thought dissemination activity, please contact me at:

​per sostenere la mia attività, qui

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